What is Mommy Guilt? We all have experienced it I’m sure. Mommy Guilt is anytime you feel guilty about something you did or didn’t do as a mom. It’s something us moms do so often. But why? What do we have to feel guilty for? We are doing the best that we can with what we have. Dealing with mommy guilt is a lot easier said than done. But I have come up with some tips that have helped me deal with mommy guilt.
Tip #1: dissecting the guilt and why you are feeling this way- really ask yourself and analyze what is making you feel guilty. Is it justified? Is it logical?
Tip #2- thinking about the example you want to be for your children and if you are feeling guilty about doing something for yourself, would you want to see your children feeling guilty about doing something for themself? I know for me, it would break my heart if Sophia ever felt bad for doing something for herself that was going to help her be a better person.
Tip #3- Self care is so important for moms, we need to make time for ourselves. This will help us be a better mom and better person. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH DOING SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF! I can’t put in any bigger letters than this! Putting yourself first at times is key to your well being.
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